中国欧盟领导会晤 中国欧盟联合声明原文公开
20. China and the EU are following closely the evolving situation in Venezuela and are willing to work with other parties on a political, peaceful and democratic solution, decided by the people of Venezuela.、欧盟及其成员国是《联合国海洋法公约》的缔约方,尊重基于国际法的海洋秩序,维护各国依国际法享有的航行与飞越自由。欧盟欢迎中国和东盟国家为达成有效的“南海行为准则”(COC)进行的磋商。
21. China, the EU and its Member States are parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and respect the maritime order based on international law and uphold freedoms of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all states in accordance with international law. The EU welcomes the ongoing consultations between China and ASEAN countries aimed at the conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct (COC) for the South China Sea. China and the EU call upon all relevant parties to engage in dialogue, to settle disputes peacefully, and to refrain from actions likely to increase tensions.
22. China and the EU agree to reinforce cooperation and high-level exchanges on peace, security and defense, including on maritime security and counter-piracy, support for African solutions to African problems to maintain the peace and security in Africa, and information exchange on crisis management and UN peacekeeping operations.
23.关于乌克兰问题,中国和欧盟忆及联合国安理会第2202号决议,呼吁全面落实明斯克协议。 23. Concerning Ukraine and recalling the UN Security Council Resolution 2202 (2015), China and the EU call for full implementation of the Minsk agreements.
24.双方还就缅甸问题交换了意见。 24. They also exchanged views on the situation in and around Myanmar.