贸易战最新进展2019 本周五特朗普增加对中国的关税?
The President himself told reporters on Friday that "the deal itself is going along pretty well" and a delegation of Chinese negotiators are scheduled to arrive in Washington this week.
"I thought we were finally figuring out how to make this work, and now we have to start all over," said Tiffany Zarfas Williams, owner of the Luggage Shop of Lubbock in Texas.
一家德州的箱包公司老板 Tiffany Zarfas Williams说“我以为我们好不容易弄懂了怎么顺应趋势,但是现在一切又要重新来过了。”
美国发起的贸易战让Tiffany Zarfas Williams的生意受到了一些影响。因为公司的成本在不断增加,她不得不将这些成本转嫁给消费者。
About 84% of the luggage, backpacks and briefcases she sells were hit with tariffs. Earlier in the year, she would receive emails from vendors on a daily basis about price increases. Zarfas Williams raised her own prices accordingly, and adjusted the assortment of items on the floor.
她经营的84%的旅行袋、双肩包、公文包都要被征收关税。在今年早些时候,她每天都能收到供应商的邮件,要求涨价。Zarfas Williams一边相应地涨价,一边在地板上理货。
But by Monday afternoon, she had already received a new email from one of her biggest vendors reminding her that a higher tariff would result in a higher price.
About 75% of good-producing firms recently surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics said the tariffs have had a negative impact on their business.
A significant portion of hats, luggage, clothing and shoes sold in the United States come from China, leaving importers with little choice to source items from elsewhere in the short-term. Other countries don't have the capacity to take on more production immediately.
美国服装和鞋履协会主席兼CEO, Rick Helfenbein表示,加征关税首当其冲会影响服装和鞋履的进口。
“That's why we're freaked,”he said.