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自闭症男孩课桌竟被安排在厕所间 午睡睡在厕所地板上

  华盛顿州贝灵汉市(Bellingham)的11岁男孩卢卡斯(Lucas Goodwin)患有自闭症以及自身免疫性疾病。他的母亲丹妮尔·古德温(Danielle Goodwin)向他将要入读的Whatcom中学说明情况后,希望老师能照顾到他的特殊情况,为他安排一个安静的座位。



图 via CNN

  “Sad, stressed, embarrassed,” said Lucas Goodwin。 “I was like how is this happening? How am I in the bathroom? Why?”


  The look of disgust is clear on Lucas Goodwin’s face in the photo his mom took when they came to school on Monday to find his new quiet learning place, in a functioning bathroom。 The 11-year-old’s desk was over a toilet。