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蒋珅玮写给高以翔Godfrey的信全文 你们了解与不了解的我们

  I’m so extremely grateful that I had more time than most of other people to get to know you

  Our bond will be even stronger because for that much we value

  我心中其实无比感激 我比其他大多数人拥有更多时间了解了你


  I’m so so proud and privileged to call you my brother for this life time and next

  When it’s my time, don’t you forget to give me a heads up and shoot me a text

  我很骄傲也很荣幸 这辈子和下辈子都能称你为我的兄弟

  当我的时间要到的时候,别忘了提前提醒我一下 给我发条信息

  Make sure that you do some scouting first up there

  So you can show me around like you always do once I pay for my life fare


  这样当我最终付出了我的生命的时候 你就可以像以前那样带我在那里到处逛逛了

  Please make sure to continue playing lots of sports in your favorite Nike shorts

  Cuz once I go up there, like the good old days, we’re gonna go and crash some courts


  这样等我上去找你的时候, 还能像以前一样,我们一起去外面球场打球

  You worked way too hard for way too long before for everyone else’s well being

  Now you finally can have a little time & rest to yourself and enjoy some heavenly sightseeing

  以前为了别人的幸福安康 你工作太努力了 你工作太长时间了

