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蒋珅玮写给高以翔Godfrey的信全文 你们了解与不了解的我们

  Last Christmas, you and Bella came to my LA house to celebrate

  We played ball, went to the beach, tossed some beanbags and then had our homemade hotpot but if anyone could put a price on memories like these it’d be impossible to calibrate


  我们一起打球 去了海边 玩了游戏, 还吃了家里做的火锅 我们所有的这些回忆是不能用金钱去衡量的

  This Christmas is right around the corner

  But your appointment turns out to be with the coroner



  Don’t you worry about not being here though?

  I’ll still help unwrap the presents for you and say a prayer so we can grow


  我会帮你打开礼物, 为你祈祷, 然后一起成长

  All of our memories kept on flashing by

  There is no question in my mind as to why



  You were an honorable man with a few words especially with those whom you just met

  But you were always there for me whenever I needed a pep talk I owe you a huge debt

  你是一个很值得被尊敬但是言语不多的人 特别是对那些你刚认识的朋友们。

  可每当我需要打气时 你总是在我身边陪伴我帮我疏通情绪 我亏欠你的太多了